
Hi, I'm Graham Gilchrist, a full-stack web developer based in the south of England.

I'm lead Front-end developer at Open Health, where I perform front-end magic for applications and sites in the healthcare industry.

I've been in the web industry for over 11 years working in design and development in a wide variety of environments, platforms and languages. I currently specialise in front-end development with the likes of Grunt, Sass and Angular, but my interests lie across the web stack and you'll often find me babbling here about Drupal, databases and everything across the web stack. I love to build technology that makes things easier.

Recent blog posts

7 years 11 months ago

I maintain a bunch of Drupal sites for friends and family, but due to the nature of these, they often have sporadic development. An issue I've been facing recently is that of security/module maintenance. This post describes how I automated and simplififed the process of updating many drupal sites using docker and automated deployment using the Wercker service.

9 years 1 month ago

I've already espounded the advantages of docker in other posts, but I'd thought it might be useful to share (and document for my own benefit), how I've been running my own personal drupal projects using docker. There are already some great pre-built drupal images out there on the docker registry, but partly because none quite fitted my workflow, and partly to better understand how it works, I setup my own. This post details the docker-compose config I use for my drupal projects.

9 years 4 months ago

Setting up an effective development environment using docker requires a change of thinking when coming from regular VM tools such as Vagrant. This post discusses some of the concepts around separating services to separate containers, and why you would want to do this.

9 years 5 months ago

I've recently been experimenting with ways to run node projects inside of docker, resulting in a new "onbuild" container I'm now using for node projects on Github.

A built image of this container is also available on the docker hub registry at grahamgilchrist\node-onbuild